Monday, November 30, 2009

Blog Response #2 Research & the Reflective Practitioner

Research & the Reflective Practitioner

When I think of research and reflective practitioners I think of the ability of a professional to reflect while in action. Meaning that while a teacher (etc) was researching a topic they could stop and think about what that particular research means to them and to the topic they are searching about. More importantly the can examine how it has impacted their own life and professional experiences through reflection.
After each part of the process the person can reflect on what they have learned and what was successful about the process itself and the new information. In many ways a reflective practitioner is a person who is not afraid to use trail and error and learn from their mistakes.
As I reflected on this topic I realized that I have been a reflective practitioner many times over the past few years. When designing (and redesigning) our school’s moodle culture web page I often would look back at what worked from the previous attempts and try to figure out how to make the new design better based on prior results. I would also ask around and try to get other people reflections and input while I was in the middle of the redesign to make sure that I was able to capture what worked while fixing what did not work.
A good practitioner is able to use the things they have learned (reflections, insights) to improve how they do things in the future.


Qiana said...

I think that is the single most important thing we can do-Look at our work and see where we can make improvements. Too often we just leave things as is without looking at where we can make appropriate and effective changes. In my current role many of our staff do things simply b/c its always been done that way, instead of looking at how things can be changed and possibly more effective.

JMellon said...

I agree that self reflection is one of the most important practices. It is a great way to make effective changes. I understand what you are saying about people at work doing things because they have always been done that way. It is important to try to change the culture of those things.